Reflection: Eugene says…

Pre-camp reflections

Read the introduction, objectives and theoretical background to the project and then answer the following questions:
  •      What interests you about this project?
  • I'm interested in what angle the ball rolls best and how to extract caffeine from beverages and how it looks like.
  •       What do you want to learn by doing this project?
  • I want to learn how to extract caffeine in beverages.
  •       What questions do you have about this project?
  • I am not sure how to extract caffeine.
  •      What do you personally want to have achieved by the end of this project?
  • I want to learn more about extraction of caffeine, what effects caffeine are to the body, and what are the angles for the fastest roll.

Reflections on Plenary Sessions

For each plenary session, consolidate your learning by answering the following questions:
  •     What are your key learning points?
  • My key learning points from each session…
  • Plenary session by Prof Kerry Sieh
    • I learnt how geologists predict earthquakes using natural resources like corals, and using logic in their prediction. I learnt more on how mega-thrust earthquakes work and how and what are the side effects and tell-tale signs for an impending earthquake. I also learnt on how earthquakes impact the surrounding environment, and how the people of the surrounding environment can adapt to the earthquake, and if possible, evacuate to less earthquake-prone areas or countries. I also learnt that earthquakes normally come in a regular pattern and that it is relatively predictable, as it comes in a rather frequent and regular pattern.
    • Thanks to this talk, my fascination of earthquakes just moved up a notch. I now feel more interested in earthquakes and hopefully I will study more of earthquakes and possibly improve in my grades for Geography in the future.
    • IT for Animation by Prof Seah Hock Soon
    • I learnt a more in-depth knowledge on animations and how they are made in the actual industry. I also about the difficulties in 2D animation and that animating using 2D animation can cost more than 3D animation, which was against what I presumed it to be. I always thought that animation has never been so difficult, as I always watched animation thinking that it is an easy task to do, until an enrichment program organized by my ADMT and Form Teacher, Mr Edwin Lim, did I only realize that animation is not as easy as I thought.
    • After the talk, I now know that animation is not as easy as I thought, and it actually is a tedious task. Despite being tedious, animation seems to be rather interesting as seeing ordinary pictures come to life is quite a feat.
    • Innovative breakthroughs in Nano-Science and Nano-Technology by Prof Ma Jan
    • I learnt more about the usage of nanotechnology in daily life, and the nano size of the particles. I learnt how nanotechnology can be applied into daily life. I also learnt that smaller yet more objects have larger surface area, therefore including more surface energy, which is an important feature in nanotechnology. I also learnt how nanotechnology can be used to change the color or crystals and glass, which is how the early churches made stained glass, only that they don’t know that they are using nanotechnology in doing so. I also learnt how nanotechnology can be used to help improve medical surgeries that cure physical conditions like bone fractures.
    • This talk has interested me more in nanotechnology as I heard of the term before, but I haven’t really done any research in it. Now, hopefully after the talk I am going to research more about nanotechnology and how it impacts daily life.
  •      What new questions do you have about the topic?

Reflections on Applied Project Challenge: Your Accomplishments
  • Discuss how the project has deepened your understanding and broadened your awareness of the selected discipline.
  • What do you now understand about this discipline that you were unaware of at the beginning?
  • Describe how what you have learned from doing this project can be connected to what you are learning at school.
  • Describe how you can apply what you have learned from doing this project.
  •  At the end of the project, what new questions do you now have?

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